Sunday, February 18, 2007

Out of Office

Ahhhh...........Presidents' Week, a bizarre excuse for a week off work. I wasn't really aware of it until now, but I sure am ready for a week off. This is the first time in forever that the Husbeast and I are not escaping from the city for an adventure somewhere wonderful. Since we are in contract on the house, there are no sheckles left in the piggy bank for frivolity. So I'll have to make my own frivolity. Today we're headed up to Chinatown to watch the lion dancers and dragon dancers scare the evil spirits away with firecrackers. They're welcoming in the Year of the Pig! Ever since I spent that year in China - sheesh! that was a decade ago! - I have a strong connection to the Lunar New Year and all things authentically Chinese. I hope to take all sorts of fun pictures while we're there to share later.

In knitting news, I've actually had some time to knit! I've been humming along on the bobblicious hoody from the Paton's Street Smart booklet.

So far, so good. I ran into a couple of snafus when progressing from the ribbing to the cable pattern. For some reason, the pattern is written so that the ribs do not flow smoothly into the cables. O found this to be aesthetically unacceptable, and fiddled with the increases to make the transition more organic. I hope to get the bulk of this cardi finished during this break.

I've also been moving along slowly on the Deco Wrap from Amazing Crochet Lace. The pattern is pretty intuitive at this point, and the crazy pink mohair makes me smile, especially because it does not shed!

Finishing this project is definitely a reasonable goal for this week off!

tagged me with the Six Weird Things About Me meme the other day, so here they are:

1. I always make the Husbeast answer the door when we have food delivery because I have an unreasonable fear of becoming the victim of a home invasion.

2. I invent back stories and names for the people I see regularly on my subway commute to work. I see the same folks everyday, but we never talk to each other - it's a New York thing. Still I imagine them to have exotic hobbies and talents like sword swallowing and hula hoop-ing.

3. I constantly make up my own lyrics to established songs (usually '80's hits) to suit the situation at hand.

4. When the Husbeast kisses me, my booty tingles.

5. I have very little cartilage in my nose. It is extremely squishy.

6. I keep an inordinate amount of candy at home. I don't eat very much of it, but having it around makes me feel safe. If there were some sort of candy shortage in the US, I'd been well-supplied, possibly for years.

I"m tagging Michelle, Claudine, Heather, Jewell, Jill, and Jenn to continue the meme. Remember, you've got to send it on to 6 others.

1 comment:

MUDNYC said...

I love the way the cables on the cardi look like someone wrote them out in good solid cursive handwriting...kind of controlled squiggles, if ya know what I mean. This is the 2nd time I've been tagged for this meme, I guess I'd better do it now!